Friday, May 9, 2008

And we're off!

As I was leaving the movie theater at 9:30 tonight after seeing Iron Man, I thought two things: 1)man, I can't believe it's only dusk, and 2)damn, John Favreau, way to make an action flick. And a kid-friendly action flick, at that. I mean, aside from the explosions and guns that are pretty much (and sadly) obligatory in any movie that wants to make money, there wasn't much I'd need to keep from a kid over a reasonable age. I know Sam Raimi is like a comic-book-turned-movie god, but he could seriously take a few pointers from John Favreau. Like, less is more. Or, write a good script. Or, cast real actors (four Oscar nominees, anyone?) I mean, really, man. Take Jeff Bridges, for example. I could watch Jeff Bridges just sit in a chair for two hours. I bet he could act the shit out of that. Anyways, needless to say, I liked the movie. And if Iron Man is any indication of the kind of stuff we can expect this summer (which I hope to God it is), we are in for one hell of a blockbuster season. Indy, Batman, Sex and the City (which I'm becoming less and less enamored with), the Hulk (I hear Tony Stark makes an appearance, which is awesome)... so many movies! So much potential for generic, over-acted crap. Let's hope the other directors can pull it off as seemingly effortlessly as John Favreau.

Just one last thing, and it's half complaint, half John Favreau exaltation. Could you have at least played the song once?! Just once, in the whole movie, even for the credits. You started, but we didn't even get to hear the whole thing. However, I must commend you on not playing it the first time we see Tony Stark in the suit, stomping his way through the - ok, I won't spoil it. It would have been an awesome shot, but everyone would have expected it.

So, in conclusion, please go see the movie and support people who actually know what they're doing.

Tomorrow I'm off to Giverny with Smith to try to get some work done. Maybe the change from the sterile white walls that surround me in my apartment will somehow make me more productive. Because, really, if I don't finish this paper soon, I'm going to seriously go batshit crazy.

Also, my mom just said "love you muchly." I love my mom.

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