Horton. So this one's not that bad, but it still bothers me that they didn't make any effort whatsoever to translate "Horton Hears a Who." I get it, it's hard to translate alliteration in the first place, let alone with a sound that doesn't exist in French, but they could have at least come up with some alternative in French. They add 200 pages to Harry Potter books, so why can't they translate the full title?

"Two Sisters for One King" This one REALLY bothers me. COME ON. I know it's a trashy romance novel cleverly disguised as historical fiction, but did they really have to go and give it that trashy porno title?

No translation necessary. Seriously? Sexy Dance? And there's the new one that's out, Sexy Dance 2. Again, I get that Step It Up, or whatever the hell it was called, is not translatable into French, but couldn't they find some other French expression or something other than Sexy Dance, which doesn't really have anything to do with the premise of the movie? Oh my God, I can't believe I'm arguing something on behalf of that piece of shit Dirty Dancing rip-off. And I can't believe I just admitted to having watched it. Wow. I must really be desperate for procrastination tools.
So on that note, I'm going to return back to my work. Return back? Repetitively redundant. Return to my work. There you go. Bonne Nuit!
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