Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's the thought that counts

Yesterday at the grocery store I was standing behind a couple about my age who were being fairly affectionate, but not nauseatingly so, when I realized that the entire contents of their purchase was a chocolate bar and a box of condoms. Now THAT is what I call a "night in." If there are any potential suitors out there, take note: this may be the best Valentine's Day present ever.

Apparently in China (or is it Japan? Shit, I can't remember, but please don't think I'm one of those people that thinks that Asia is a country, because I am definitely aware of the many, many countries that make up the CONTINENT of Asia, but I honestly just can't remember which one my friend told me it was, but I think it was China... anyways!) "Valentine's Day" doesn't exist (surprise, surprise), but there are two different days - first a day where girls give guys chocolate, and later another where guys give girls candy. And while I very strongly feel that it should be the other way around, I do think it's cool that there are two separate days, thus forcing everyone to give something to someone. Well, maybe not everyone, but there are, like, a billion Chinese people, so I'm guessing that's a lot of chocolate and candy given out every year.

That's about all the interesting stuff going on right now. I burned myself on my pseudo-oven that I still can't completely operate, I found a company I want to work for when I go home, the woman on the first floor who I thought had died because I never see her anymore and because a couple of days ago I came downstairs and there were four men outside and a weird smell is apparently still somewhat alive and asking me questions and having me open jars for her in the middle of the hallway and telling me "que Dieu te garde" (may God keep you/watch over you), midterm week is almost over, and school is still sucking my lifeblood. I've resigned myself to the fact that from now until I leave, I will probably not have any free weekends, random shopping days, or spontaneous trips to hidden wings in the Louvre. But on the bright side, I think I really like what I'm doing my essay/thesis on, and I'm really going to enjoy doing the research - that is, apart from the standing in line for an hour to get into the library. I just wish I could go outside and enjoy some of the unseasonable sun we've not been having but will soon be having because spring is coming!

I forgot to mention something in my last post. On Friday night when I came home, I noticed the mat outside my door was crooked, which isn't a big deal - my neighbor's door is inches from mine and someone might have just slipped on it or something, but when I opened the door, my toilet paper was sitting on a kitchen chair and my couch had been moved slightly. After my initial reaction that someone broke in was quickly tamed by the fact that nothing was taken from the kitchen and my room was in the same post-hurricane status it always is (so really, I wouldn't have been able to tell anyways) and what would anyone want with my toilet paper - the light bulb went off and a bell chimed. I ran to the bathroom to discover... a wooden wall surrounding the pipes! Finally! After nearly five months of musty, dank, gross exposed pipes, it's closed! Sort of... it's still open at the top and bottom, but it's a hell of a lot better than it was. I just wished someone had told me or called me or warned me in any other way, shape, or form so I could've cleaned up a bit. But, you know, that would've required more than the minimal effort. They had to climb up five flights of stairs with equipment, so obviously picking up a tiny cell phone and calling me would have been far too much to ask of them.

That's about all I have for now. Last, but not least, please take a look at SASSY, a new blog written by, about, and for SASSY/sassy women. My first post is up tomorrow, so check it out!

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